About Us

G'day friend, my name is Mei-Ly and I am the owner of Long Snoot Creations.

To the left is Leela, my teeny tiny girl who often gets mistaken for a whippet. On the right is my horse, oops I mean longboi, Odin. They are the inspiration behind LSC and my biggest supporters.


Our Story began in the summer of 2021 when I was out walking my hounds. I overheard a child ask his Mum "why does that dog have a cage on it's mouth?". To which the Mum replied with "that's because they race them and they might bite".

My eyes rolled. Usually when I walk my greys one of three things happen:

  1.  People purposefully walk around the dogs or mutter something about them being dangerous
  2. Someone would ask if we race them and how much money they made
  3. A curious person would ask if they make good pets and wonder how they can get one
I always enjoy the third scenario and it It got me thinking....wouldn't it be great if there was a compelling way for greyhound owners to share their stance on the racing industry and educate the public during these common encounters?
Enter Long Snoot Creations. As proud greyhound advocates, we are strong supporters of greyhound rescue, fierce anti racing and pro long snoot boops and cuddles. We are stoked to represent the proud fur parents who are dedicated to improving the lives of these precious creatures.

In May 2022 we have started making a monthly donation to Greyhound Adoptions WA . For every purchase, we will donate $2 to this fabulous organisation to support the rehoming of ex-racing greyhounds surrendered to their care. 

Thank you for reading our story,

- Mei-Ly, Leela and Odin